Jan Hendrickx
Professor Emeritus of Hydrology
Earth & Environmental Science
- hendrick@nmt.edu
- Phone: (575) 835-5892
- FAX: (575) 835-6436
- Office: MSEC 240
- BS, MS, Agricultural University of Wagenigen, The Netherlands
PhD, 色狐入口 State University (1984)
My research focuses on the hydrology of the vadose zone which comprises the soil and rock masses between the land surface and the groundwater table. The hydrological processes in this zone determine to a large extent the vulnerability of groundwater for contamination and the amount of fresh water available for aquifer recharge.
In recent years, I have been working with Brian Borchers in the Math Department on modeling the effects of soil physical properties on landmine detection sensors.
In many different environments, one-dimensional computer models have predicted a negligible risk of groundwater contamination due to sufficient residence time in the vadose zone. However, it has been found that significant pollution of the groundwater has occurred where these models predicted none. The cause of these cases of groundwater contamination is the occurrence of preferential flow paths in the vadose zone. Such preferential flow paths can be caused by macropores or by the occurrence of unstable wetting fronts. My graduate students and I are conducting research projects which aim at the quantification of fluid and contaminant movement through preferential flow paths. One project deals with the effect of macropores on deep percolation under zero-tillage agriculture in the Eastern Plains of 色狐入口. Another project investigates the occurrence of unstable wetting fronts in homogeneous sand dunes during infiltration of rainwater into the soil.
The energy balance of semi-arid regions plays an important role in global climate change. An important parameter for the determination of the energy balance is soil moisture in the vadose zone. Because existing techniques to measure soil moisture over large areas are too time consuming and expensive, my graduate students and I are investigating the application of electromagnetic induction and ground-penetrating radar methods for quick non-invasive measurement of soil moisture over large areas of land. This research is conducted in the Sevilleta, a 100,000-ha national wildlife refuge which is our prime field site for hydrological investigations.
Below are some of the courses I have taught.
HYD 508: Flow and Transport in Hydrologic Systems. Principles of flow and transport in groundwater aquifers, the vadose zone, and surface water bodies. Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Storage, compressibility, capillarity, and Darcy鈥檚 law in porous media. Single phase, two phase and Richard鈥檚 equations approaches to flow in porous media. Flow in fractures and streams. Transport of non-reactive chemical species by advection, diffusion and dispersion in porous and fractured media, and surface water bodies.
HYD 517: Vadose-Zone Hydrology. Physical processes governing fluid, vapor, and solute movement between the land surface and the water table. Determination of soil physical properties in the laboratory and field. Measurement of soil water content and soil water tension. Spatial variability of soil properties. Unsaturated/saturated flow models. Multiphase flow.
HYD 572: Advanced Topics in Hydrology
Introduction to Remote Sensing (Spring 2002, Spring 2001, Spring 2000)
Multi-Scale Methods in Vadose Zone Hydrology (Spring 1999)
Jan M.H. Hendrickx is Professor of Hydrology in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science and a Research Hydrologist at the Geophysical Research Center of 色狐入口 Tech in Socorro, 色狐入口. He was born 15 Sept. 1948 in Amerika, a small village in the southern Netherlands, and raised in Eindhoven. He lives in Los Lunas, 色狐入口.
After graduating from the St. Vincentius Gymnasium Wernhoutsburg in Zundert, he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering and Irrigation from the Agricultural University Wageningen, The Netherlands, in 1975. He spent one year in Campina Grande, northeastern Brazil, as a volunteer for OXFAM and designed inexpensive trickle irrigation system with wind powered water supply as well as rainwater harvesting cisterns. After another year as an Irrigation and Drainage Engineer employed by Agrar und Hydrotechnik Gmbh in Tanzania and Germany, he became a Research Irrigation and Drainage Engineer for the Agricultural University Wageningen stationed at the Office du Niger in Niono, Mali, from 1979 to 1981. He conducted research on the water requirements of rice and sugarcane and established a soil physics laboratory. From 1981 to 1984 he was a Research Assistant at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture of 色狐入口 State University. He conducted research on the spatial variability of soil moisture and the water requirements of trickle irrigated chile peppers under guidance of Dr. Peter Wierenga. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Soil Physics in 1984 and did postdoctoral work at the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Texas A&M University with Dr. John Nieber. In 1985, he became Head of the Department of Soil Physics and Hydrology of the Netherlands Soil Survey Institute in Wageningen, The Netherlands. With his colleague Dr. Louis Dekker and others he conducted research on the effects of unstable wetting on water flow and solute transport through field soils. Here he started to employ electromagnetic induction measurements for soil hydrology. From 1988 through 1990 he was stationed at the International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute in Lahore, Pakistan. With his team of Dutch and Pakistani researchers he conducted research on optimal management strategies of water quantity and quality in irrigated areas. He also established a soil physics laboratory.
In the fall of 1990, Dr. Hendrickx joined the faculty of the Hydrology Program of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science and the Geophysical Research Center at 色狐入口 Tech as, respectively, assistant professor and research hydrologist. He was promoted to associate professor in 1993 and to professor in 2001. He teaches graduate courses in Vadose Zone Hydrology, Groundwater Hydrology, Introduction to Remote Sensing, and Flow and Transport in Hydrologic Systems. He has been the advisor of one Ph.D. and 14 M.S. students.
Hendrickx鈥檚 research approach has been formed by his practical experience as an irrigation engineer in many parts of the world and by his doctoral training in the soil physics 鈥渟chool鈥 of Kirkham-Nielsen-Wierenga. Hendrickx and his graduate students like to work in the field on relevant issues dealing with soil hydrology and soil physics. Laboratory measurements are taken if the field measurements do not suffice to test their hypotheses. Existing theoretical models are used or new ones developed to better understand or predict field phenomena. An example of this approach is his work on the effect of water repellent soils on pesticide movement that he and his colleagues at the Netherlands Soil Survey Institute conducted in the late eighties and early nineties. The research included field and laboratory work as well as a new modeling approach to model water flow through preferential flow paths caused by unstable wetting. The research clearly demonstrated that water repellent top soils lead to an increased vulnerability for ground water contamination by pesticides and provided guidelines to evaluate pesticide travel times.
The Hydrology Program and the Department of Mathematics at 色狐入口 Tech have had a strong synergistic relationship for fifty years. Hendrickx has taken full advantage of this unusual academic environment by vigorously pursuing several major challenges in soil physics. A stability analysis of the nonlinear partial differential equation that describes unsaturated water flow has been a research topic of much interest for soil physicists. Dr. Hendrickx and Dr. William D. Stone of the Department of Mathematics with their former graduate students Dr. T. (Mike) Yao and Dr. X.H. Du used their mathematical and experimental skills to develop a complete stability analysis of this equation. Previous analyses of unstable wetting fronts focused on soils with sharp wetting fronts such as coarse sands. The stability model developed by Hendrickx and his research team is unique in its capability to predict quantitatively unstable wetting and finger sizes in many different soils using readily available hydraulic soil properties for a wide range of precipitation rates.
Electromagnetic induction is a common technique for determination of the spatial distribution of soil salinity in agricultural fields and riparian areas. Since the early 1980s researchers have tried to develop a method to use this measurement technique also for the determination of vertical soil electrical conductivity profiles. Although some of these attempts were successful using site specific calibration curves, no generally applicable method was available. The problem is difficult since the inverse model is ill-defined. Hendrickx, Dr. Brian Borchers at the Department of Mathematics, and their graduate students used Tikhonov regularization to develop a solution for the prediction of vertical apparent electrical conductivity profiles without need for site specific calibration. This tool allows practitioners to obtain information of the distribution of soil salinity with depth without invasive soil sampling.
Landmines are 鈥渢he most lethal form of soil contamination.鈥 The detection of land mines is a challenging problem with high societal relevance that requires application of basic soil physics as well as a thorough understanding of the true nature of field soils. Hendrickx and Borchers with their graduate students have explored the physics of soil-sensor-mine systems to better understand the effect of the soil environment on land mine detection. They have published papers dealing with the effects of soil texture and soil water content as well as the spatial variability of these properties on the performance of ground penetrating radar and thermal sensors. Their work clearly identifies the limits and potentials of land mine sensors based on ground penetrating radar and thermal mine signatures.
Hendrickx has been very effective with the technology transfer of his research results on the use of electromagnetic induction in restoration of saline riparian soils. Many restoration projects have been and are undertaken in 色狐入口, Texas, and Arizona to plant trees in small and large areas along the river. Unfortunately, many of these projects have failed in the past because soil salinity killed many trees. After Hendrickx's research in the early 1990s clearly demonstrated that a low-cost pre-planting salinity survey using electromagnetic induction could boost tree survival rates from below 30% to well over 90%, he has honored many requests to conduct salinity surveys at potential reforestation sites. The requests were made by schools for tree planting projects with students, by environmental organizations, state organizations, Indian pueblos, and the federal government. His work has made an important impact on how soil restoration and reforestation is done in the Rio Grande Valley.
The physics of water flow and solute transport under unsaturated conditions is taught at very few universities in Latin America. Yet, there is a big need by professionals to learn about these processes. Hendrickx鈥檚 Vadose Zone Hydrology workshops in Spanish have brought soil physics for the first time to hundreds of professionals and students in Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela. In his most recent workshops taught together with his wife, Ing. Graciela Rodr铆guez-Mar铆n, seventy-five Colombian scientists, engineers, and students participated in the summer of 2000 at the National University of Colombia in Medellin and twenty-five in 2001 at the Technological University of Panama.
Dr. Hendrickx has authored or coauthored 50 refereed papers and 5 book chapters, has given 20 invited lectures for national and international audiences, and has presented more than 70 seminars. He has been a member of SSSA since 1982. He served as Associate Editor for the Soil Science Society of America Journal for Div. S-1. He is a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America and a Fulbright Scholar.
Summer Student Internship Opportunity for BS and MS
The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL) has an opening for a 2014 summer student intern at the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at 色狐入口 Tech. The duration of the internship is flexible (up to three months). If scheduling allows, the intern will also take part in the late May IRIS Education and Outreach Orientation Week at 色狐入口 Tech (www.iris.edu/hq/internship/about/orientation) in association with the IRIS Summer Undergraduate Internship program. We seek an advanced undergraduate or graduate student with seismic field methods, seismograph electronics, software development or data processing interests. Details are . For general information, please visit , or contact PASSCAL Instrument Center Director Bruce Beaudoin (575-835-5070; bruce@passcal.nmt.edu). The internship includes a weekly stipend, living expenses, round-trip travel funds to Socorro, NM, and tuition support to cover NMT summer registration as a special graduate student. To apply, send a letter summarizing interests, college transcripts, and at least one appropriate letter of recommendation to: PASSCAL Summer Intern Committee, c/o Bruce Beaudoin, IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center, 色狐入口 Tech, 100 East Rd., Socorro, NM 87801. For full consideration, materials must be received by April 1, 2014.
Geochemistry Opportunities for PhD and MS
Kent C. Condie, Professor of Geochemistry, has a number of opportunities available including research on the geologic record of ancient mantle plumes; a field and geochemical study of a fragment of Precambrian oceanic crust near Albuquerque, NM; a study of komatiites as tracers of Archean mantle temperature; and U/Pb and Hf isotopic studies of detrital zircons from modern river systems in SWUS to track the growth of the North American continent. For more information, contact Dr. Kent Condie at kcondie@nmt.edu or 575-835-5531.
Interdisciplinary Hydrologic Science Opportunities at 色狐入口 Tech
色狐入口 Tech offers Ph.D. and M.S. Research Assistantships to graduate students interested in topics in hydrologic science ranging from subsurface processes to the atmospheric boundary layer. The interdisciplinary Hydrology Program is one of the largest and strongest in the United States. Seven full-time faculty and ten adjunct faculty in hydrology allow us to offer more than 20 different courses in hydrologic science and conduct research across a broad range of cutting-edge topics. Our interdisciplinary curriculum has been revised to provide students with the training in the multiple scientific techniques necessary to resolve societally-relevant hydrological problems. Recent research efforts are focused on understanding the impacts of vegetation, climate and human-induced changes on water supply and water quality. Students with strong scientific or engineering backgrounds are encouraged to apply. For more information contact: Dr. Fred Phillips.
Geophysics Opportunities for Graduate Students
The Geophysics Graduate Program in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the 色狐入口 Institute of Mining and Technology (色狐入口 Tech) offers supported MS- and PhD-level student opportunities. Specific projects may include:
- Seismological investigation of structure and processes in subduction zones
- Hydrothermal circulation in subducting ocean crust
- Mass transport and explosive processes accompanying Strombolian volcanic eruptions
- Large-scale teleseismic imaging of western U.S. and Antarctic mantle
- Geodetic investigations of active deformation in the western U.S.
- High-resolution relocation studies of hypocenters in volcanic and tectonic seismogenic regions
- Seismic investigation of tremor-like sources associated with Antarctic mega-icebergs
- Volcano Infrasound
- Carbon sequestration
- Subduction zone earthquake seismology
色狐入口 Tech, located in the central Rio Grande valley community of Socorro, emphasizes science and engineering teaching. The Department of Earth and Environmental Science includes 20 faculty, numerous active adjunct faculty, and approximately 50 undergraduate majors and 75 graduate students. For more information, contact the geophysics faculty via email to earthenv@nmt.edu.
Fellowships for Graduate Studies in Ore Deposits
Students interested in ore deposit genesis and exploration are eligible for the Donald Yardley, Barkley Wykof, and Charles Park Fellowships. These are competitive fellowships based on applicant鈥檚 qualifications. For more information on ore deposit studies visit this link.
Earth Sciences Graduate Fellowship (Kottlowski/Bureau Fellowship)
The 色狐入口 Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, a division of 色狐入口 Tech, is soliciting candidates for the Kottlowski/Bureau Fellowship. The fellowship, for an incoming Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, offers a 12-month, $23,000 stipend plus full coverage of tuition. The fellowship is renewable for up to three years. Additional funding is available to cover some laboratory and field expenses.
All PhD applicants to the Department will be considered for the fellowship. The successful candidate may have interests in any earth or environmental science specialty, but will be expected to do a project within the state or of particular interest to the state, under the direction of advisors from both the Bureau and the Department. Application deadline is January 15th. Applicants will automatically be considered for other support within the Department.
色狐入口 Tech is a highly rated science and engineering university with more than 60 earth science faculty shared between the academic division and the Bureau.
Jerry Durtsche and Cynthia Durtsche Scholarship
Jerry Durtsche and Cynthia Durtsche Scholarship Application (internal NMT competition)
- DEADLINE: mid-March
- ELIGIBILITY: Undergraduate student majoring in one of the programs offered by Earth and Environmental Science Department
- AMOUNT: $500
Christina Lochman Balk Fellowship in Stratigraphy/Sedimentary Geology/Paleontology
色狐入口 Tech invites applications for the Christina Lochman Balk Fellowship in stratigraphy/sedimentary geology/paleontology. The fellowship provides financial support for graduate students pursuing M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the department. The successful applicant will have a strong academic record and will be interested in pursuing research in sedimentary geology and/or paleontology. Interested individuals should contact Dave Johnson, Associate Professor of Geology.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Kleissl, J., S.-h. Hong, and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2009. 色狐入口 scintillometer network. Supportinng remote sensing and hydrologic and meteorological models. Bulletin American Meteorological Society 90:207-218, DOI:10.1175/2008BAMS2480.1.
Akramkhanov, A., R. Sommer, C. Martius, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and P.L.G. Vlek. 2008. Comparison and sensitivity of measurement techniques for spatial distribution of soil salinity. Irrigation and Drainage Systems: In press.
Allen, R.G., J.M.H. Hendrickx, D. Toll, M. Anderson, W. Kustas, and J. Kleissl. 2008. From high overhead: ET measurement from remote sensing. Southwest Hydrology: In press.
Borchers, B., J.M.H. Hendrickx, B.S. Das, and S. Hong. 2000. Enhancing dielectric contrast between land mines and the soil environment by watering: modeling, design, and experimental results. Proc. of SPIE 鈥 The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Vol. 4038 (2):993-1000.
Compaor茅, H., J.M.H. Hendrickx, S.-h. Hong, J. Friesen, N.C. van de Giesen, C. Rodgers, J. Szarzynski, and P.L.G. Vlek. 2007. Evaporation mapping at two scales using optical imagery in the White Volta Basin, Upper East Ghana Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C: doi:10.1016/j.pce.2007.04.021.
Das, B.S., J.M.H. Hendrickx, and B. Borchers. 2001. Modeling transient water distributions around landmines in bare soils. Soil Science 166(3):163-173.
Du, X.H. T. Yao, W.D. Stone and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2001. Stability analysis of the unsaturated water flow equation: 1. Mathematical derivation. Water Resources Research, 37:1869-1875.
Friesen, J., C. Rodgers, P.G. Oguntunde, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and N.v.d. Giesen. 2008. Hydrotope-based protocol to determine average soil moisture over large areas for satellite calibration and validation 鈥 With results from an observation campaign in the Volta Basin, West Africa. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing : In press.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., B. Borchers, D.L. Corwin, S.M. Lesch, A.C. Hilgendorf, and J. Schlue. 2002. Inversion of soil conductivity profiles from electromagnetic induction measurements: theory and experimental verification. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:673-685.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., B. Borchers, J. Woolslayer, L.W. Dekker, C. Ritsema, and S. Paton. 2001. Spatial Variability of Dielectric Properties in Field Soils. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VI, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J.T. Broach, and V. George, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4394:398-408.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., J. Kleissl, J.D. G贸mez-V茅lez, S.-h. Hong, J.R. F谩brega-Duque, D. Vega, H.A. Moreno-Ram铆rez, and F.L. Ogden. 2007. Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 6565:65650W.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., N.R. Pradhan, S.-h. Hong, F.L. Ogden, A.R. Byrd, and D. Toll. 2009a. Improvement of hydrologic model soil moisture predictions using SEBAL evapotranspiration estimates. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 7303:730311. DOI: 10.1117/12.819780
Hendrickx, J.M.H., B. Rabus, D.C. Romero, H. Wehn, J.B.J. Harrison, S.-h. Hong, B. Borchers, and J. Slater. 2009b. Preliminary validation of Radarsat2 surface soil moisture estimates. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 7303:730310. DOI: 10.1117/12.820046
Hogan, J.F., F.M. Phillips, S.K. Mills, J.M.H. Hendrickx, J. Ruiz, J.T. Chesley, and Y. Asmerom. 2007. Geologic origins of salinization in a semi-arid river: the role of sedimentary basin brines. Geology 35:1063-1066 doi: 10.1130/G23976A.1.
Hong, S.-h., J.M.H. Hendrickx, and B. Borchers. 2009. Up-scaling of SEBAL derived evapotranspiration maps from Landsat (30 m) to MODIS (250 m) scale. J. of Hydrology 370:122-138; doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.002
Hong, S.-H., T.W. Miller, B. Borchers, J.M.H. Hendrickx, H.A. Lensen, P.B.W. Schwering, and S.P. van den Broek. 2002. Land mine detection in bare soils using thermal infrared sensors. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VII, J.T. Broach, R.S. Harmon, and G.J. Dobeck, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4742:43-50.
Hong, S.-H., T. Miller, H. Tobin, B. Borchers, J.M.H. Hendrickx, H. Lensen, P. Schwering, and B. Baertlein. 2001. Impact of Soil Water Content on Landmine Detection Using Radar and Thermal Infrared Sensors. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VI, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J.T. Broach, and V. George, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4394:409-416.
Jaramillo, D.F., L.W. Dekker, C.J. Ritsema, and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2000. Occurrence of soil water repellency in arid and humid climates. Journal of Hydrology, 231/232:105-114.
Kleissl, J., H. Moreno, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and J. Simunek. 2007. HYDRUS simulations of soil surface temperatures. Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE 6553:65530W 1-12.
Kleissl, J., J. Gomez, S.-H. Hong, K. Fleming, J.M.H. Hendrickx, and T. Rahn. 2008. Large aperture scintillometer intercomparison study. Boundary Layer Meteorol.: Submitted.
Kleissl, J., S.-h. Hong, and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2009. 色狐入口 scintillometer network. Supportinng remote sensing and hydrologic and meteorological models. Bulletin American Meteorological Society 90:207-218, DOI:10.1175/2008BAMS2480.1.
Lensen, H.A., P.B.W. Schwering, G. Rodr铆guez-Mar铆n, and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2002. Soil moisture distributions around land mines and the effect on relative permittivity. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VI, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J.T. Broach, and V. George, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4394:417-427.
Miller, T.W., B. Borchers, J.M.H. Hendrickx, S.-H. Hong, H.A. Lensen, P.B.W. Schwering, and J.B. Rhebergen. 2002. Effect of soil moisture on land mine detection using ground penetrating radar. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VII, J.T. Broach, R.S. Harmon, and G.J. Dobeck, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4742:281-290.
Simunek, S., J.M.H. Hendrickx, and B. Borchers. 2001. Modeling Transient Temperature Distributions Around Landmines in Homogeneous Bare Soils. In Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VI, A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J.T. Broach, and V. George, editors, Proceedings of the SPIE 4394:387-397.
Van Dam, Remke L., Jan M.H. Hendrickx, and Brian Borchers. Effect of magnetite on GPR: an experimental approach. Submitted to Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Submitted.
Yao, T. and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2001. Stability analysis of the unsaturated water flow equation: 2. Experimental Verification. Water Resources Research, 37:1875-1881.
Book Chapters
Hendrickx, J.M.H. and M. Flury. 2001. Uniform and preferential flow mechanisms in the vadose zone. In Conceptual models of flow and transport in the fractured vadose zone, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. pp. 149-187.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., F.M. Phillips, and J.B.J. Harrison. 2002. Chapter 5. Water flow processes in arid and semi-arid vadose zones. In: I. Simmers (Editor), Hydrological processes in arid and semi-arid zones, IHP-V Project, UNESCO.
Hendrickx, J.M.H., J. Wraith, R.G. Kachanoski, and D.L. Corwin. 2002. Solute content and concentration. Chapter 6.1 In: J. Dane and C. Topp (eds.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 1253-1322.
Kachanoski, R.G., E. de Jong, and J.M.H. Hendrickx. 2002. Nonintrusive water content measurement in the field. Section In: J. Dane and C. Topp (eds.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 497-501.
Phillips, F.M.; Hogan, J.; Mills, S.; and Hendrickx, J.M.M. 2002. Environmental tracers applied to quantifying causes of salinity in arid-region rivers: Preliminary results from the Rio Grande, southwestern USA: in Water Resource Perspectives: Evaluation, Management, and Policy (Alsharhan, A.S., and Wood, W.W., eds.), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Current M.S. Student Advisees
Nicole Alkov 鈥 nicole at nmt.edu
B.S. Earth Science 2004, University of California, Santa CruzEmily Engle 鈥 eengle at nmt.edu
B.S. Earth Science 2004, Univ of North Carolina at CharlotteKatherine Fleming 鈥 flemingk at nmt.edu
B.S. Geological Sciences & History 2003, University of MichiganDrew Haerer 鈥 haeredm1 at nmt.edu
B.S. Environmental Science 2005, Juniata College
Recent Graduates
Dan Dolmar, M.S. 2001, History matching and model validation for the 1D unsaturated flow code 鈥淗YDRUS鈥 using data from a 600-year-old tracer signal at an abandoned Native American Pueblo.
Jesus David Gomez Velez, M.S. 2008, Sensible and latent heat flux estimation using optical scintillometry.
Sung Ho Hong, Ph.D. 2008, Mapping Regional Distributions of Energy Balance Components Using Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery.
Sung Ho Hong, M.S. 2002, Estimation of Regional Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture in the Western United States through Optical Remote Sensing with SEBAL.
Annie Kearns, M.S. 1998, Temporal Variability of Precipitation Recharge in Semi-Arid 色狐入口. Currently with Brownfields Program, 色狐入口 Environment Department.
Geoffrey S. Marshall, M.S. 2005, Drought detection using remote sensing of vegetation in semi-arid regions.
Tim Miller, M.S. 2002, Using a ground penetrating radar system to test the hypothesis that buried land mines are easier to identify with increasing water content. Currently a Hydrologist for the Bureau of Reclamation.
Behnaum Moayyad, M.S. 2001, Importance of groundwater depth, soil texture, and rooting depth on arid riparian evapotranspiration.
Heather Shannon, M.S. 2006, Fluid transport through a variably saturated rock pile hillslope system.
Tzung-mow (Mike) Yao, Ph.D. 1998, Prediction of Wetting front Instability in Homogeneous Soils- Empirical Approach and Mathematical Modeling. Currently at the University of Arizona, Soil Water and Environmental Science Department.
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