
Field Camp Equipment Listing

A) Essential Items (required for all registrants)

money (~$200 minimum)5

  time piece rock hammer
  field boots1 hand lens (10x)
  water bottle(s) or hydration pack (4 qts. minimum)
  small day pack grain-size card
  jacket or windbreaker small safety pins
  warm coat toilet paper
  warm hat rain poncho or raincoat
  broad brimmed hat and bandana personal first aid kit3
  pencils 鈥 0.3 or 0.5 mm mechanical with HB lead long pants
  pens7 report paper (8陆x11鈥)6
  erasable colored pencils (10 colors min.) tracing paper (8陆x11鈥) and an equal-area stereo net
  erasers cross-section vellum/paper 鈥 10 squares/inch (11鈥 x 17鈥 preferred)
  transparent protractor & spare protractor  
  ruler/straight edge with scale sleeping bag8
  field notebooks (several) prescription medicines
  covered map board10 soap
  safety glasses towel
  bowl. spoon and cup2 alarm clock


B) Desirable Items


Chapstick pocket knife sunglasses
laundry soap insect repellent kleenek/T.P.
pillow gloves 9
flashlight (extra bulb and batteries) sunscreen ground cloth
Compton - Geology in the Field4 air mattress or pad
laptop computer w/ word processor structure text metamorphic petrology text
binoculars camera chisel
cooking gear2 work gloves scissors
tape white out pocket calculator


C) Optional Items


linen/pillow/blankets for dorms
flip flops (for showers & gen鈥檒 use)

 1 Boots 鈥 Boots should be rugged, broken in, but new.  A used pair of boots or cheap boots will not survive the entire six weeks.  Bring an extra pair if there is any question.

2 Cooking 鈥 We will camp for several days.  Typically morning and evening meals are prepared in camp.  A two burner stove and some larger pots and pans will be available.  Plan on bringing your own eating utensils (cup, bowl, spoon).

3 First aid Kit 鈥 Should include bandaids, needle, tweezers, disinfectant, aspirin, moleskin, antacid, diarrhea treatment, sunburn ointment, insect bite ointment, prescription medicines and (if you are sensitive to poison oak) Techno products.

4 Geology in the Field by Robert R. Compton, 1985, ISBN # 0-471-82902-1.

5 Money 鈥 You should bring funds to cover expenses related to your travel to and from Socorro, and for meals on the 5 travel days (an additional ~$200).  Depending on your style of living, you should have additional funds to cover such things as laundry, film, and miscellaneous expenses.

6 Paper 鈥 This is the paper that will be used variously for written reports accompanying field maps, strat columns, cross sections, and other figures.  Blank or ruled paper is acceptable, but some type of grid paper (engineering pads work, but are in inches) might be better.

7 Pens 鈥 Final projects are to be in ink.  Ball-point pens are unacceptable. We recommend throw-away technical drafting pens that are graduated in size and use archival quality (nonfading, waterproof, nonacid) ink.  Examples are the  (pigma) MICRON brand, manufactured by Sakura Color Products Corp or the Zig Memory System Millenium pens by Kuretake Co.  We recommend a 005 (0.2 mm line width) or 01 (~0.25 mm) in black for contacts, attitudes and lettering, plus an 02 (0.30 mm) in red, green or orange for faults. If you only buy black, the two sizes need to be separated by at least one intervening size so the line widths are clearly distinguishable.  Probably two of the black pens is best as they do not stand up to heavy-handed writers: the nibs deform and the lines get fat.

8 Sleeping bag 鈥 You should have a sleeping bag along for the nights when we will be camping.  Although it would be unusual, temperatures approaching freezing are possible.  Dorm rooms come without linen and many students use their bags on beds in the dorms. 

9 Tent 鈥 During travel, weather can be unpredictable and on nights when it is either cold or wet, it is nice to have access to a tent.  Not everyone needs to bring a tent.  If you would like to know if there is someone who is willing to share a tent contact Bruce Harrison who will query other students.

10 Two 1-ft2 Plexiglas pieces with a fiber- or duct-tape hinge. Sturdy rubber bands hold down the map without tape. Anything to protect your map and give you a stiff working surface will do. You need a way to keep your map from flapping/tearing in the wind. Cut strong rubber bands radially from old car tire inner tubes.  An illustration of the board used by the University of Missouri Field camp can be found at