
Student resources for anxiety

Managing Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety disorders are more common than we think. Around 1 in 5 people have an anxiety disorder, and only about 36% of those people get help. Anxiety can happen to individuals for many reasons including genetics, stressful environments, social interactions, other mental health disorders, major life events, etc. Below we have included resources and signs you or a loved one may be experiencing anxiety.


          Common Signs of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is the response to worry, fear, and stress. If any of these signs are greatly affecting your life we recommend you get some help, or at the very least try some of the resources we have provided below.
Symptoms you May be Feeling

*Note: These are symptoms that may also occur due to other underlying health issues, therefore we recommend you talk to your doctor and/or mental health therapist about it. 


Please note, that excessive caffiene intake can also mimic or exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety.


  • Feeling restless or on-edge
  • Feeling fatigued often
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Irritability
  • Excessive feelings of worry that are difficult to control
  • Difficulty with sleeping


Ever Wonder How Anxiety and Stress Can Affect Your Brain?

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Dealing with Anxiety During College:

With increased stress from college, it is normal to feel stressd and overwhelmed at times. Below we have included some articles about coping with anxiety.




Are you dealing with test anxiety during your college years? We have some test anxiety tips here. Also check our very own test anxiety workshop done by one of our previous providers Laura Barker, LMHC: 

Zoom Link:





Meditation and Anxiety

Plenty of previous research has found that meditation can reduce both physiological stress and people鈥檚 perceived reaction to stress. For example, a study from Harvard in 2009 found that after an eight-week course of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) people had significant reduction in volume in the amygdala, the part of the brain that governs emotions and stress. And these reductions were correlated to the percieved feeling that one鈥檚 stress levels were lower. A meta-analysis from Johns Hopkins in 2013 found that meditation was linked to significantly reduced anxiety (and depression and insomnia). Other studies have also linked meditation to reduced levels of stress hormones. 

You don't have to be a yogi practicing for years to reap the benefits of meditation. Below is a quick and easy meditation you can do today to get started. 

  1. Sit upright in a chair, and place your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Begin paying attention to your breath. Don't try to change how you are breathing; simply observe your body as you inhale and exhale.
  3. You might feel compelled to shift your focus elsewhere. Resist this urge and continue to focus on your breathing.
  4. Anxious thoughts may pass through your mind. Acknowledge them, but then bring yourself back to awareness of your breathing.
  5. Continue this quiet, nonjudgmental observation for about 10 minutes.
  6. Open your eyes and notice how you feel. Don't evaluate, just observe.

Controlling the breath is essential to calming the mind and relaxing the body. Visit our Breathing Techniques page for more information and tips for mindful breathing. 


Guided Meditations

Sometimes it is difficult to sit with one's own thoughts or focus on our breathing. That's why we suggest guided meditations for those who may need a little support. 




Visit the Yoga and Meditation page for more.


Yoga for Anxiety



Visit the Yoga and Meditation page for more.


Anxiety and Sleep

Often times, our minds will not shut down when it is time for bed and prevents us from getting the sleep we need to function properly. Anxiety and ruminating or obsessive thoughts can keep us up at night. If this is something you are stuggling with, go to our sleep page for more tips on getting the rest you need.

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Anxiety Worksheets



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