• What is the course policy regarding attendance?
  • Is the attendance policy applied consistently?  Are there exceptions to the policy made for extenuating circumstances, such as athletics or religious observation?
  • How much interaction is there between the instructor and students and among students during class?
  • Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the design of the course rely on student participation as a significant method for learning?
  • To what degree does a student鈥檚 failure to attend class compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?

If an accommodation is determined to be reasonable, the SAS can work with you and the student to clearly specify:

  • How and when the student should inform you when he or she will miss class
  • How the student will make-up missed work
  • The number of absences that would be reasonable
  • Whether a late drop or grade of incomplete would be appropriate should absences become unexpectedly excessive.

Please note:

  • An accommodation in attendance is not reasonable if regular attendance is essential to the course and/or curriculum or the number of accommodated absences becomes excessive.
  • You should never waive essential academic components of the course.
  • Students who receive an attendance accommodation are responsible for all course work and do not have blanket permission to miss class.
  • Requests for flexibility in assignment deadlines should be discussed separately and may or may not be determined to be reasonable by SAS.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact the SAS.