
Information about Testing and Scheduling your Exams

Test and Test Scheduling


Student Access Services (SAS) provides academic accommodations to students who may need them. All decisions regarding academic accommodation, including others not listed below, are made in consultation with the student and the Office for Student Access Services based on the individual student and their disability.

Every student who tests with SAS must first complete the Exam and Testing Regulation form and agree to all regulations:


Testing Center

SAS offers a quiet and private space for testing when accommodations cannot be provided by the educational department. Please remember that it is the student鈥檚 responsibility to schedule exams with SAS.

Please schedule exams at least 72 hours (3 days) before the planned exam date. If desired students may use their course syllabus to schedule all of their exams for the semester. We understand that exam dates may change, contact SAS as soon as possible if your exam has been rescheduled. 

Schedule your .

For more information on how to complete the Student Proctoring Request Form,  click on the  link for a step-by-step guide.

Note: Please schedule your exams with the SAS even if you are not sure you will take them at the testing areas. It is much easier for us to cancel an exam rather than find a testing space at the last minute.


Extended Time

The testing accommodation of extended time applies only to timed assessments, quizzes and tests that must be started and finished in a single testing session. It does not apply to take-home tests or any other type of test that can be paused and then resumed at a later time.

Schedule your .

Note: SAS is available to provide this accommodation if time and space are not available in the student鈥檚 department.


More Testing Accommodaions