ࡱ> ad`g %bjbjVV .Br<r<-82Dv4S.OSQSQSQSQSQSQS$UXuSuS4S~~~jOS~OS~~LPԌ^R#N,;SS0SONZZXPP0ZQ,~uSuSSZ : Motor Vehicle Procedure ɫ Tech Federal Tax Compliance Office Last Modified May 28, 2014 Introduction: This procedure defines the appropriate use of ɫ Techs (NMT) motor vehicles. Employees must maintain records to substantiate the business use of the vehicle. This policy complies with the Employers Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits (IRS Publication 15-B), Working Condition benefits section. If you provide a car for an employees use, the amount you can exclude as a working condition benefit is the amount that would be allowable as a deductible business expense if the employee paid for its use. The IRS can determine that all undocumented use is personal and should be taxed as compensation, even if the vehicle usage was for business purposes. The employees documentation eliminates the risk to the employee of inaccurate taxation. Employee Vehicle Usage: A vehicle provided by ɫ Tech to an employee that is used for business is considered a working condition fringe benefit and no portion of the value of the vehicle is included in the wages of the employee. Business use of a ɫ Tech vehicle includes but is not limited to: a) traveling between the employees main or regular place of work and another regular place of work or b) traveling between the employees main or regular place of work and a temporary work location or c) traveling from the employees place of work to the airport to start a business trip. If the vehicle is used for personal purposes, the personal use is either a taxable fringe benefit or the employee reimburses Tech for their personal use. Under the fringe benefit method, the value of the personal use of the vehicle must be included in an employees gross compensation and payroll taxes are withheld through the payroll system. The compensation will be reported on the employees W2 at year end. Under the reimbursement method, the employees pays Tech on a cents-per-mile basis using the IRS specified rate for the year the usage occurred. Incidental personal use of a ɫ Tech vehicle by an employee includes, but is not limited to a) traveling between the employees home and place of work (commuting) or b) using the vehicle to run a personal errand during the business day. Documentation: ɫ Tech is required by the IRS to maintain usage records and Tech has determined that a mileage log book will be used for ɫ Tech vehicles. The Vehicle Mileage Log book is available from the Federal Tax Compliance office. Fringe Benefit Valuation Methods: This section is a summary of IRS Pub 15-B. Reference the IRS publication for complete details. The general valuation rule of Fair Market Value (FMV) is used for fringe benefits in most cases. The fair market value of an employer provided vehicle is the amount the employee would pay a third party to lease the vehicle. However, one of the three special valuation rules may apply for vehicle use. Use the valuation method that most closely matches the use of the vehicle when valuing the taxable fringe benefit. General Valuation Rule Determine the lease cost for the vehicle by getting a quote from a third party. This is the FMV of the vehicle. Multiply FMV by % of personal miles out of total miles driven by the employee. Add the cost of fuel provided by Tech on a cents per mile basis. Example: Cost to lease the vehicle is $20,000 for a 4 year term. The IRS table in Pub 15-B shows an annual lease cost of $5600 (for 2014). The annual miles driven were 1000 personal miles, 9000 business miles; or 10% personal use. The gas cost factor is 5.5 cents/mile for 2014, per the IRS. Taxable fringe benefit = (10% * $5600 ) + (.055 * 1000 miles) = $615 annual taxable compensation. Three Special Vehicle Valuation Rules Commuting Rule: Fringe benefit is $1.50 per one-way commute and $3.00 per round trip This scenario will be rare at ɫ Tech. All of the following conditions must be met: Employee is required to commute in the vehicle Must have a written policy prohibiting personal use except for commuting Employee is not a control employee or highly compensated employee (see Pub 15-B for definitions) Vehicle Cents-Per Mile Rule This scenario will be convenient for the employee for incidental personal use of a departmental vehicle. The amount can either be reimbursed by the employee, or added to their taxable compensation as a fringe benefit and taxes withheld. For assigned vehicles, the method must be selected at the time the vehicle is assigned to the employee. Multiply personal miles driven by IRS mileage rate of $ .56 (for 2014) Vehicle must be driven at least 10,000 miles annually (business + personal use) FMV of passenger vehicle cannot exceed $16,000 (for 2014 purchases) Lease Value Rule Valuation method is the same as the general valuation rule described above Use this rule beginning on the first day the vehicle is available to employees for personal use Continue to use this rule if you provide a replacement vehicle for the purpose of reducing federal taxes See Pub 15-B for options, such as partial year use Safe Harbor valuation method If a third party lease cannot be obtained for the vehicle, and if the vehicle was bought at arms length, use the safe harbor value as FMV. The safe harbor value is purchase price plus sales tax, title, and any other purchase expenses. Departmental Responsibility: On a daily basis, the employee records the date, business miles driven, business purpose, and personal miles driven in the ɫ Tech Vehicle Mileage Log book. On a monthly basis, the employee reviews their completed log and calculates the percent of personal usage for the month, on a mileage basis. If there was no personal use during the period, no further action is required by the employee during this period. When personal use occurred during the period. If the cents-per-mile method is used and the employee elects the reimbursement approach, the employee submits a check to the Cashiers office along with an approved version of the Deposit of Funds form. For all other methods, a copy of the log containing the calculated percent of personal use is submitted to the Federal Tax Compliance Office no later than the 7th day of the following month. The Federal Tax Compliance manager calculates the taxable compensation and forwards the record to payroll for processing. NOTE: No taxes are withheld under the reimbursement method, but payroll taxes are withheld under the fringe benefit method. The Federal Tax Compliance Mgr can assist with an estimate of the valuation method for the employees specific set of facts. Payroll Procedure: When the Payroll Office receives the Vehicle Mileage Log form, the fringe benefit amount is added to the employees taxable compensation for the next payroll period, and income tax, social security tax, and Medicare taxes are withheld. At year end, the fringe benefit amount is included in the employees W-2 form as compensation. Summary of key updates from 2010 version of vehicle procedures: Added to the conditions for the 3 special valuation methods Added the alternative of the employee reimbursement procedure when the valuation method is cents-per-mile. Specified who calcs the fringe benefit amount. 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