ࡱ> m dbjbjjojo 4bbP\.`````ttt8h\tAw"0v$vvvvvvv$x{\v`00v``4v"""``v"v"":'tx(}-jT( vw0Aw&(R{v&{x(x({`( N>,"H$lvv Aw{B &:  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (PSA) Agreement / Purchase Order Number: _______________ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ____ day of ___________, 20___ by and between ɫ Institute of Mining and Technology, hereinafter called ɫ Tech, and Vendor Name: Address: Hereinafter called the Contractor WITNESSETH: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual and reciprocal promises of the parties hereto, is hereby covenanted and agreed by and between parties: 1. That the Contractor will render the following professional services to ɫ Tech: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That the Contractor represents and warrants that the Contractor is professionally qualified to render the consultant services required by ɫ Tech and possess any licenses and / or certifications required under state or federal law to perform the services required under this Agreement. That if the work to be performed under this Agreement is funded wholly or in part by the federal government, the Contractor represents and warrants that neither Contractor nor any employee of Contractor nor any subcontractor of Contractor are employees of the funding agency. That the Contractor will devote the necessary hours each week to the performance of such duties that may be assigned to him / her by ɫ Tech. That the Contractor shall provide written progress reports and schedules in sufficient detail to the Department at a frequency agreed upon between the parties. That the Contractor will serve ɫ Tech diligently and faithfully, and according to its ability and in all respects will use his / her utmost endeavors to promote the interest of ɫ Tech. That the Contractor will maintain records indicating the date and length of time such services are rendered. These records shall be subject to inspection by the designated agent of ɫ Tech. If federal funds are used under this Agreement, the Contractor and its subcontractors shall preserve fiscal records and supporting documentation for a period of three (3) years from the date of termination of this Agreement if an audit to the satisfaction of 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards has occurred by that time. If such audit has not occurred by that time, the records must be retained until an audit has occurred or for a period of five (5) years from the date of termination of this Agreement, whichever comes first. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the retention period, the records shall be retained until all litigations, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. The Contractor shall make its fiscal records and supporting documentation available for audit by ɫ Tech and / or the Federal Government and any persons or entities hired by the above named. The Contractor shall refund any costs disallowed by such audit to ɫ Tech. That services rendered by the Contractor shall be performed at ____________________________________________ or where ɫ Tech shall designate. Contractor shall provide written notification to the Department when the costs incurred exceeds seventy-five percent (75%) of the total amount obligated under this Agreement. That for the services rendered satisfactory, ɫ Tech agrees to pay the Contractor compensation as follows, at the following rate (hourly or daily) of $_________________ plus expenses (if applicable) as follows: __________________________________________________. Such compensation and expenses not to exceed $_________________ including tax, payable by ɫ Tech upon receipt of a signed invoice or Payee Claim for Reimbursement. The Contractor will pay the State of ɫ the Gross Receipts Tax levied on the amounts payable under this Agreement. That invoices shall be sent to ɫ Tech, Accounts Payable, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801 or emailed to apinvoice@npe.nmt.edu. Invoices shall be presented at the beginning of each month covering services and / or expenses incurred during the previous month. All applicable taxes shall be shown as a separate line item. The purchase order number shall be clearly marked on all invoices. New Tech Mexico understands and agrees that the contractor may request additional funding to cover the day-to-day workflow activities that exceed the agreed amount on this document;the Contractor will request such additional funding upon previous discussion and approval from ɫ Techand Sponsor. Additional funding will be provided only on the issuance of an approved change order to the purchase order. No verbal approval shall be given. That the Contractor is an independent contractor/ /corporation, is not an employee of the Sponsor, performing professional services for ɫ Tech. The Contractor is responsible for any applicable state or federal taxes, a Form 1099 Nonemployee Compensation will be issued for any payments made. The Contractor shall not accrue leave, retirement, insurance, or any other benefits afforded to employees of ɫ Tech as a result of this Agreement. That the performance of this Agreement by ɫ Tech is contingent upon availability of sufficient funds and sufficient appropriations and authorizations being made by the funding entity(s) for such performance. ɫ Tech's decision as to whether sufficient funds are available and whether sufficient appropriations and authorizations have been made shall be made in good faith and in its sole discretion, shall be accepted unconditionally by the Contractor, and shall be final. If ɫ Tech decides that sufficient funds are not available and / or sufficient appropriations and / or authorizations have not been made, it shall notify the Contractor of its decision in writing and may either terminate this Agreement or propose modifications to accommodate the insufficient funds and/or appropriations and/or authorizations. If NMT proposes modifications, the Contractor shall within thirty (30) days after receiving ɫ Tech's notice give ɫ Tech written notice that it has elected either to (i) accept the proposed modifications or (ii) terminate this Agreement. If the Contractor fails timely to give such notice, it shall be deemed to have accepted the proposed modifications. In no event shall ɫ Tech be liable for any financial or other penalty on account of any termination or modification of this Agreement as a result of insufficient funds, appropriations or authorizations. That the Contractor shall not assign any interest in this Agreement or transfer any interest in same or assign any claim for money due or to become due under this Agreement without the prior written consent of ɫ Tech. That either party, independent or in concert, may terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. That this Agreement incorporates all of the agreements, covenants, and understandings between the parties hereto concerning the subject matter hereof and that all such covenants, agreements, and understandings, have been merged into this written Agreement. No prior agreement or understanding verbal or otherwise of the parties or their agents shall be valid or enforceable unless embodied in this Agreement. That this Agreement shall not be altered, changed, or amended except by the instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. The foregoing being clearly understood and agreed to, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals. That this Agreement shall be deemed to be an Agreement made in accordance with the laws of the State of ɫ. That each party will be solely responsible for its liability for bodily injury, including death, or damage to property under the common law or statutory law of ɫ and for only its own attorney fees and costs arising from the act or failure to act of such party or of its regents, directors, members, shareholders, officers, agents and employees pursuant to this Agreement; provided however, the foregoing obligation is a statement of responsibility pursuant to common and statutory law only and does not constitute an agreement to indemnify. The liability and responsibility of ɫ Institute of Mining and Technology shall be subject to the immunities and limitations of the ɫ Tort Claims Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 41-4- through 41-4-27, and of any amendments thereto, and shall be construed and applied in accordance with the laws of the State of ɫ, irrespective of the conflict of law and choice of law principles of ɫ or any other jurisdiction. That throughout the period of this Agreement, copies of all correspondence, work products, specifications, estimates and other material prepared by the Contractor should be directed to the Department ɫ Person. Direct contact or communication by the Contractor with other ɫ Tech offices or any other state or governmental entity concerning the Agreement shall be made only with the prior knowledge and approval of the Department ɫ Person. That all documents which are prepared by the Contractor or any subcontractor that form a part of its services under this Agreement shall be the property of ɫ Tech and shall be delivered to ɫ Tech upon termination of this Agreement if so requested by ɫ Tech. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and / or replacement of any original documents in its possession. ɫ Tech shall receive all original drawings and documentation. That for the consideration payable under this Agreement, the work product required by this Agreement shall be considered a work made for hire within the meaning of that term under the copyright laws of the United States, applicable common law and corresponding laws of other countries. ɫ Tech shall have sole right and authority to seek statutory copyright protection and to enjoy the benefit of ownership of the work. The party performing the work hereby assigns all rights, title and interest in and to the work to ɫ Tech and shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that they assign all right, title and interest in work product to ɫ Tech required by the Agreement. That for the consideration payable under this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to report to ɫ Tech any invention arising out of the work required by this Agreement. ɫ Tech shall have sole right and authority to seek statutory patent protection under United States and foreign patent laws to enjoy the benefits of ownership of the invention, whether or not the invention was required of the Contractor or subcontractor as part of the performance of the Agreement. The Contractor hereby assigns all right, title and interest in and to inventions made in the course of the Agreement and agrees to execute and deliver all documents and do any and all things necessary and proper to effect such assignment. Contractor shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that they will execute and deliver all documents and do any and all things necessary and proper to effect assignment of inventions arising out of the Agreement. That confidential information provided by ɫ Tech to Contractor shall not be disclosed by Contractor, its officers, employees or agents, to any third party, without the express written consent of ɫ Tech. 24. The Contractor shall follow the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Pub L 99-603 (8 USC 1324a). More information regarding the employment requirements can be found at the following website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf" \o "http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf blocked::http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf" http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-9.pdf NMT E-Verify Company ID Number is 165512. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ NAME MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER CITY / ST/ ZIP CODE ____________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ____________________________________ __________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE: _____________________________ TERMINATION DATE: __________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED: $______________________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW MEXICO TECH AND _________________________________________________ HAS BEEN APPROVED BY: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF DEPARTMENT SIGNATURE OF VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE ____THIS AGREEMENT IS NOT A FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT. ____THIS AGREEMENT IS A FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT AND THE ATTACHED FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS (FAR) CERTIFICATIONS, and FLOW-DOWN PROVISIONS APPLY. Allowability of Costs under Sponsors prime contract will be determined in accordance with 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Allowability of subcontractor costs, if commercial entity, will be determined in accordance with FAR 31.2 Cost Principles for Contracts with Commercial Organizations. In the event any subcontractor costs are disallowed under the prime contract because of a conflict between the provisions of 2 CFR 200 and FAR 31.2, the provisions of 2 CFR 200 shall govern. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE CERTIFIED FOR ALL AGREEMENTS $25,000 OR GREATER USING FEDERAL FUNDS CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authorized Person, Firm and / or Corporation states that to the best of his/her belief and knowledge: No employee or Regent of ɫ Tech (or close relative), with the exception of the person(s) identified below, has a direct or indirect financial interest in the Contractor or in the proposed transaction. Contractor neither employs, nor is negotiating to employ, any ɫ Tech employee, Regent or close relative, with the exception of the person(s) identified below. Contractor did not participate, directly or indirectly, in the preparation of specifications upon which the quote or offer is made. If the Contractor is a ɫ State Legislator or if a ɫ State Legislator holds a controlling interest in Contractor, please identify the legislator(s): ____________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ List below the name(s) of any ɫ Tech employee, Regent or close relative who now or within the preceding twelve (12) months (1) works for the Contractor; (2) has an ownership interest in the Contractor (other than as an owner of less than 1% of Contractors stock, if Contractor is a publicly traded corporation); (3) is a partner, officer, director, trustee or consultant to the Contractor; (4) has received grant, travel, honoraria or other similar support from Contractor; or (5) has a right to receive royalties from the Contractor. ____________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ NAME OF INDIVIDUAL(S) DEBARMENT/SUSPENSION STATUS The Contractor certifies that it is not suspended, debarred or ineligible from entering into contracts with the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, or in receipt of a notice or proposed debarment from any Agency per FAR 52.209-5. The Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to the ɫ Tech Purchasing Department in the event of being suspended, debarred or declared ineligible by any department or federal agency, or upon receipt of a notice of proposed debarment that is received after the submission of the quote or offer but prior to the award of the purchase order or contract. CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she has read the above CONFLICT OF INTEREST and DEBARMENT/SUSPENSION Status requirements and that he/she understands and will comply with these requirements. The undersigned further certifies that they have the authority to certify compliance for the Contractor named and that the information contained in this document is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge. ___________________________________ __________________________ __________________ Signature Title Date __________________________________ __________________________________________________ Printed Name Company Name ___________________________________ __________________________________________________ Address City / State / Zip Code THE FOLLOWING MUST BE CERTIFIED FOR ALL AGREEMENTS $100,000 OR GREATER USING FEDERAL FUNDS CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (September, 2005) 1. In accordance with FAR 52.102, the definitions and prohibitions contained in the clause at FAR 52.203-12, Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions, included in this solicitation, are hereby incorporated by reference in this certification. 2. The offeror, by signing its offer, hereby certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that on or after; December 23, 1989 A. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on his or her behalf in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract. B. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds (including profit or fee received under a covered Federal Transaction) have been paid, or will be paid, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, and officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on his or her behalf in connection with this solicitation, the offeror shall complete and submit, with its offer, OMB Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, to the Contracting Officer; and C. He or she will include the language of this certification in all subcontract awards at any tier and require that all recipients of subcontract awards in excess of $100,000 shall certify and disclose accordingly. 3. Submission of this certification and disclosure is a prerequisite for making or entering into this contract imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, United States Code. Any person who makes expenditure prohibited under this provision or who fails to file or amend the disclosure form to be filed or amended by this provision shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. CLEAN AIR ACT AND FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT The undersigned company agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that he / she has read the above CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTION (APR 1991) and CLEAN AIR ACT AND FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT requirements and that he / she understands and will comply with these requirements. The undersigned further certifies that they have the authority to certify compliance for the Contractor named below. __________________________________ __________________________ __________________ Signature Title Date __________________________________ __________________________________________________ Printed Name Company Name ___________________________________ __________________________________________________ Address City / State / Zip Code GOVERNMENT FLOW-DOWN PROVISIONS The resulting order is subcontracted under a U.S. Government Prime Contract, the applicable clauses listed below are incorporated into, and form a part, of the terms and conditions of the resulting order. In the event of any conflict between previously referenced terms and conditions and the Government Flow-Down Provisions, the Government Flow-Down Provisions take precedence. The clauses contained in the following paragraphs of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) are incorporated herein by reference. For purposes of this Purchase Order, in the following clauses, the term contract shall mean this order, the term contractor shall mean Seller and the term Government and Contracting Officer shall mean ɫ Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT) and the Chief Procurement Officer respectively. The following provisions of the FAR apply at the specified order dollar amounts: Title Applicability FAR Reference Equal Employment Opportunity All Orders 52.222-26 (Sept 2016) Debarment and Suspension All Orders 52.209-6 (Jun 2020) Rights in Data Alt IV All R&D Orders 52.227-14 (May 2014) Anti-Kickback Act Construction Over $2K 52.203-7 (Jun 2020) Limitations on Payments to Influence Orders exceeding $150K 52.203-12 (Jun 2020) Certain Federal Transactions Audit & Negotiations All Orders Over $100K 52-215-2 (Jun 2020) Alt II Davis Bacon Act Construction Over $2K 52.222-6 (Aug 2018) Contract Work Hours & Construction and Labor 52.222-4 (Mar 2018) Safety Standards Hour Contracts Over $2.5K E-Verification All Orders 52.222-54 (Oct 2015) Certification and Disclosure All Orders Over $150K 52.203-11 (Sept 2007) Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Transactions Patent Rights All Orders Ownership by the Contractor 52.227-11 (May2014) Ownership by the Government 52.227-13 (Dec 2007) Buy American Act All Orders over $3K 52.225-2 (May 2014) Contract Terms & Conditions, Commercial Items All Orders over $10K 52.212-4 (Oct 2018) Energy Efficiency in All Orders and Services with 52.223-15 (May 2020) Energy-Consuming Products Energy Consuming Products Contract Provisions for Non-Federal All Orders over $150K CFR200.236 Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards Small Business Subcontracting Plan All Orders over $700K 52.219-9 (June 2020) Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing All Orders over $750K 52.215-12 (June 2020) Requiring Certified Cost or Pricing Data All Orders over $750K 15.403-4 Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Acctg All Orders over $750K 52.230-3 (June 2020) Recovered Material Biobased products that use 52.223-1 (May 2012) USDA designated items Recovered Material Biobased products that do 52.223-2 (Sept 2013) not use USDA designated items Recovered Material EPA Designated items 52.223-4 (May 2008) except off the shelf Items less than $150K Recovered Material EPA Designated items 52.223-9 (May 2008) except off the shelf Items greater than $150K Recovered Material EPA-designated items 52.223-17 (Aug 2018) Service and Construction     PAGE  PAGE 4 01/2024 "&'()*3\_foq  ufuWuH<h+ CJOJQJaJhhe7CJOJQJaJhhNH}CJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhh$CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhh$CJOJQJaJhXnhCJOJQJaJh!HCJOJQJaJhFCJOJQJaJhXnh$CJOJQJaJh$OJQJ jhFh:rUmHnHu)*`a  * + , P \  3 Y $ & F 8dh^`a$gd) $dha$gd) $dha$gd2 $dha$gdNH}dhgdXn $dha$gdXn$a$gd$$a$gd$ , O P l o w   ( 2 3 N ٻ٬َp٬aَpaRhhCJOJQJaJhh)CJOJQJaJhhXnCJOJQJaJhhNH}CJOJQJaJhh1CJOJQJaJhh2CJOJQJaJhhfCJOJQJaJhh?]CJOJQJaJhh$CJOJQJaJhhe7CJOJQJaJh+ CJOJQJaJhyRCJOJQJaJN W Y _ l m v w '/Mp]f;⸩|m^SHShhF0JaJhhB0JaJhhCJOJQJaJhhufCJOJQJaJhhgCJOJQJaJhhSs*CJOJQJaJhhe7CJOJQJaJhhBCJOJQJaJhhNH}CJOJQJaJhhYDCJOJQJaJh[ CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJY m pU "#$%&'*,.f155$ & F 8dh^`a$gdr$ & F 8dh^`a$gd);JKnw@;QcӵӦyj[jLjjhhFCJOJQJaJhhgCJOJQJaJhhD-CJOJQJaJhhSs*CJOJQJaJhhXnCJOJQJaJhhRJCJOJQJaJhhNH}CJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhhBCJOJQJaJhhB0JaJ#hh:CJOJQJ\^JaJ%eLO/EHTǸ⬝sdXdXLXhfCJOJQJaJhHhCJOJQJaJhHhhHhCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhh{CJOJQJaJhh2CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJh[ CJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhx!CJOJQJaJhhD-CJOJQJaJhhLECJOJQJaJTU0: !&PQRSstuv"""""T#]####⻬⛍||||k\\\\hhfCJOJQJaJ hhrCJOJQJ^JaJ hhtCJOJQJ^JaJh[ CJOJQJ^JaJ hhrCJOJQJ^JaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhLCJOJQJaJhHhCJOJQJaJhhD-CJOJQJaJhhHhCJOJQJaJ####'$0$I$S$$$%%(%1%%%%%%&&&&&&&'''****+!++++ӵ⚋|ӵmhhCJOJQJaJhh[ CCJOJQJaJhhtCJOJQJaJh[ CJOJQJaJhhgCJOJQJaJhhYDCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhfCJOJQJaJhh<CJOJQJaJ%+++\,e,,,,,- -:-C---J.K......../L/M/0071J1[1d1f1l11111 22 33Ӹ⸋ċċ|ċ||m||mhh, CJOJQJaJhhThCJOJQJaJhhhoCJOJQJaJhh=lCJOJQJaJhhufCJOJQJaJh[ CJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhYDCJOJQJaJhho&CJOJQJaJhhpCJOJQJaJ*3=3F333V4d4555 55555555556b6d66ǸygygyVEV hh<,WCJOJQJ^JaJ hh]CJOJQJ^JaJ#hhVVCJOJQJ\^JaJ#hh]CJOJQJ\^JaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhpCJOJQJaJhhLECJOJQJaJhho&CJOJQJaJh[ CJOJQJaJhh, CJOJQJaJhhFCJOJQJaJhhThCJOJQJaJ66Y7Z77777777777 8 88"8>8긦tݱ*CJOJQJaJh |Gh[ C>*CJOJQJaJh[ CCJOJQJaJh]h]CJOJQJaJ hf)h]CJOJQJ^JaJ#hf)h]CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hh]CJOJQJ\^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ$hh]0JCJOJQJ^JaJ hh]CJOJQJ^JaJ)jhh]CJOJQJU^JaJ5777%8?8@8888888 99g99999999V:$a$gdi$a$gdi $dha$gdNH}$a$gd[ C$a$gd[ C $dha$gd]>8?8@888888888 9 99X9\9 ::::R:U:\:e:::::-;7;=;`;a;;;;;<<Ͳ񢒢͆z͆zz͆nbbͲhDCJOJQJaJhkYCJOJQJaJhpCJOJQJaJhFCJOJQJaJh |GhD->*CJOJQJaJh |Ghi>*CJOJQJaJhXnhiCJOJQJaJh&kCJOJQJaJhiCJOJQJaJh[ CCJOJQJaJhe7CJOJQJaJhXnh[ CCJOJQJaJ%V:W:::::: ;a;b;c;;;<<<<J<K<<<?$a$gdL$a$gd!H $dha$gd!H 7$8$H$gd!H $dha$gdi$a$gdi<<&<J<K<]<<<<<<<<<<<????? 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