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Registration Information

If you have any questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at 835-5133 or registrar@nmt.edu.


Before you can register, you must:

Know your Banweb password.  If a password is needed, send an email with photo identification to registrar@nmt.edu.

Pay your account in full. Your student account balance must be $0.00 or show a credit balance before you can pre-register.

Resolve any other "Holds" on your account.

Review your proposed schedule with your advisor. Once your schedule is approved, your advisor will give you your Alternate PIN that will enable you to pre-register on the web. If you plan to pre-register in person, be sure your advisor signs your registration form.

International students only- You must check in with the International Office before you register.

Graduate students only- You must have your schedule approved by the Graduate Office before registering.

You cannot pre-register without taking care of each item listed above.

Student Account Balance

Your student account balance must be $0.00 or show a credit balance before you can pre-register. If you have a Balance Due Hold, you must go to the Cashier's Office and pay your account in full or make satisfactory arrangement with Student Accounts, Joseph A. Fidel Center, 2nd Floor, Room 231, and have the hold removed.

Holds on Your Student Account

If you have one or more of the following holds on your account, you will not be able to pre-register.  Check with the following offices:

Hold What office placed the hold Where to fix it
Balance Due Student Accounts Fidel 231
Accounts Received Student Accounts Fidel 231
Graduate Dean Graduate Office Fidel 275
International Hold International Programs Office Fidel 262
Insurance Residential Life Fidel 122
Registrar's Office of the Registrar Fidel 285
Student Affairs Student Affairs Office Fidel 262
Title IX (T9) Title IX Brown 20D

Only the appropriate office can release its hold.

Note:  Holds that say they were automatically generated were actually generated by a manually run program that checks for certain conditions.  Example:  The cashiers office can run a program that checks to see if you owe more than a certain amount, and it will then put a hold on your account.

Registration Times

You can check exactly what time you can start to register online on your BanWeb account. All Registration closes the third Friday after classes start for Spring and Fall for summer (second Tuesday for summer). See the Academic Calendar for more information.

Regular students may elect to pre-register in person at the Office of the Registrar, following the same schedule.


Also known as validating, you must pay your bill in full or make arrangements for deferred payment by 4 p.m. on registration day or you will be charged a $30.00 per day late validation fee. If you plan to apply for deferred payment, we encourage you to do so as early as possible. You may validate early the Thursday and Friday before classes start. 

Student Accounts,
Joseph A. Fidel Center,
2nd Floor,
Room 231.