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- Ellepola, N.;Ogas, T.; Turner, D.; Maldonaldo-Torres, S.; Gurung, R.; Tello-Arburto,
R.; Patidar, P.; Rogelj, S.; Piyasena, M.; Rubasinghege, G.* A Toxicological study
on Secondary Residues of Ibuprofen: Environmental and Human Health Implications. Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety, 2018, In Preparation.
- Hettiarachchi, E.; Paul, S.; Cadol, D.; Frey, B.; Rubasinghege, G.* Mineralogy Driven
Dissolution of Inhaled Uranium in Simulated Lung Fluids (SLFs) and Possible Toxic
Effects, Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, In Preparation.
- Thapa, S.; Hettiarachchi, E.; Dickie, D.; Rubasinghege, G.;* Qin, Y.* A Charge-Separated
Diamondoid Metal-Organic Framework. Chemical Communications, 2018, Under Review.
- Hettiarachchi, E.; Reynolds, R.; Goldstein, H.; Moskowitz, B.; Rubasinghege, G.* Bioavailable
Iron Production in Airborne Mineral-Dust: Controls by Chemical Composition and Solar
Flux. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 2018, Under Review.
- Maldonado-Torres, S.; Gurung, R.; Rijal, H.; Chan, A.; Acharya, S.; Rogelj, S.; Piyasena,
M.; Rubasinghege, G.* Fate, transformation, and toxicological impacts of pharmaceutical
and personal care products in surface waters. Environmental Health Insights, 2018,
- Hettiarachchi, E.; Reynolds, R.; Goldstein, H.; Moskowitz, B.; Rubasinghege, G.* Iron
dissolution and speciation in atmospheric mineral dust: Metal-metal synergistic and
antagonistic effects. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 187, 417-423.
- Hettiarachchi, E.; Hurub, O; Rubasinghege, G.* Atmospheric processing and iron mobilization
of ilmenite: An iron containing ternary oxide in mineral dust aerosol. Journal of
Physical Chemistry A, 2018, 122 (5), 1291-1302.
- Rubasinghege, G.*; Gurung, R.; Rijal, H.; Maldonado-Torres, S.; Chan, A.; Acharya,
S.; Rogelj, S.; Piyasena, M. Abiotic Degradation and Environmental Toxicity of Ibuprofen:
Roles of Mineral Particles and Solar Radiation, Water Research, Volume 131, 2017,
- Borcherding, J.; Baltrusaitis, B.; Chen, H.; Stebounova, L. ; Wu, C-M.; Rubansinghege,
G. ; Mudunkotuwa, I. ; Caraballo, J. ; Zabner, J. ; Grassian, V. H. ; Comellas, A. Iron
Oxide Nanoparticles Induce Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Growth, Biofilm Formation, and Inhibit
Antimicrobial Peptide Function. Environmental Science: Nano, 2014, 1, 123-132.
- Nanayakkara C. E.; Jayaweera P. M. Rubasinghege G.; Baltrusaitis J.; Grassian, V.H. Surface
Photochemistry of Adsorbed Nitrate: The Role of Adsorbed Water in the Formation of
Reduced Nitrogen Species on alpha-Fe2O3 Particle Surfaces. Journal of Physical ChemistryA, 2014,
118, 158鈥166.
- Rubasinghege G.; Ogden S.; Grassian, V.H. Heterogeneous Uptake and Adsorption of Gas-Phase
Formic Acid on Oxide and Clay Particle Surfaces: The Roles of Surface Hydroxyl Groups
and Adsorbed Water in Formic Acid Adsorption and the Impact of Formic Acid Adsorption
on Water Uptake. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 117, 11316鈥11327.
- Rubasinghege G. and Grassian, V.H. Role(s) of Adsorbed Water in the Chemistry of Environmental
Interfaces. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 3071-3094.
- Baltrusaitis, J.; Chen, H.; Rubasinghege G. and Grassian, V.H. Heterogeneous Chemistry
of Lead Oxide Particles with Gas-phase Nitrogen Dioxide Increases Lead Solubility:
Environmental and Health Implications. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46,
- Walker, R. A.; Wilson, K.; Lee, A. F.; Woodford, J.; Grassian, V. H.; Baltrusaitis,
J.; Rubasinghege, G.; Cibin, G. and Dent, A. Preservation of York Minster historic
limestone by hydrophobic surface coatings. Scientific Reports, 2012, 2, doi:10.1038/srep00880.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Kyei, P.; Scherer, M.; Grassian, V. Proton-promoted Dissolution
of alpha-FeOOH Nanorods and Microrods: Size Dependence, Anion Effects (carbonate and
phosphate), Aggregation and Surface Adsorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012,
385, 15-23.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Grassian, V. H. Surface-catalyzed Chlorine and Nitrogen Activation:
Mechanisms for the Heterogeneous Formation of ClNO, NO, NO2, HONO and N2O from HNO3 and
HCl on Alumina. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116, 5180-5192.
- Wijenayaka, L.; Rubasinghege, G.; Baltrusaitis, J; Grassian, V. Surface Chemistry
of alpha-FeOOH Nanorods and Microrods with Gas-Phase Nitric Acid and Water Vapor:
Insights into the Role of Particle Size, Surface Structure and Surface Hydroxyl Groups
in the Adsorption and Reactivity of alpha-FeOOH With Atmospheric Gases. Journal of
Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 12566鈥12577.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Spak, S.; Stanier, C. O.; Carmichael, G. R.; Grassian, V. H. An
Abiotic Mechanism for the Formation of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide from Ammonium Nitrate. Environmental
Science & Technology 2011, 45, 2691-2697.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Elzey, S.; Baltrusaitis, J.; Jayaweera. P. M.; Grassian, V. H. Reactions
on Atmospheric Dusts: New Mechanisms and Pathways Identified in Laboratory Studies-Surface
Photochemistry and Size-dependent Nanoscale Redox Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry
Letters 2010, 1, 1729鈥1737.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Lentz, R. W.; Scherer, M. M.; Grassian, V. H. Simulated Atmospheric
Processing of Iron Oxyhydroxide Minerals at Low pH: Roles of Particle Size and Acid
Anion in Iron Dissolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010, 107,
15 6628-6633.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Lentz, R. W.; Park, H.; Scherer, M. M.; Grassian, V. H. Nanorod
Dissolution Quenched in the Aggregated State.Langmuir 2010, 26, 1524-1527.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Grassian, V. H. Photochemistry of Adsorbed Nitrate on Aluminum Oxide
Particle Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 113, 7818-7825.
- Schuttlefield, J.; Rubasinghege, G.; El-Maazawi, M.; Bone, J.; Grassian, V. H. Photochemistry
of Adsorbed Nitrate. Journal of American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 12210-12212.
- Rubasinghege, G.; Paranagama, P. A.; Abeywickrama, K. Physicochemical Changes of
Stored Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata, treated with selected essential oils to control
cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 2006,
4: 41 鈥 44