Information for Registrants
Information for Registrants 鈥 Check back. This information will be expanded as arrangements for the 2020 camp are made.
- Where in Socorro is the NMT campus?
- Campus map 鈥 where stuff related to the first couple days happens
- Schedule in Socorro for first days
- Where to meet (MSEC 105 - #26 on Campus map) on the morning of May 15th, 2020 to begin the class (and how to get to Socorro) and where will we be (MSEC 105 - #26 on Campus map) after that.
- Housing in Socorro
- Answers to frequently asked question
- Official Equipment list.
- Student Generated List 鈥 This list was assembled by several students in past years.
- Equipment 鈥 where to get it
- Raft Trip (for those on this year鈥檚 raft trip)
- Preliminary 2020 Schedule of Exercises