The Skeen Library welcomes gifts of books, significant archival materials, art, and
monetary donations to our foundation account. Your gifts can help us to provide valuable
resources to 色狐入口 Tech and the general region, as well as to preserve the history
and culture of both the university and the Middle Rio Grande area. Donations enable
the library to obtain materials that we normally cannot acquire with our budget, but
which enhance the lives and research of our students and faculty.
You may also designate your gift for a specific purpose. Some ways you might consider
giving include:
Memorializing a loved one
Honoring a valued professor or friend
Celebrating a graduation from 色狐入口 Tech
Donating library materials that the library does not already have
For more information about contributing to the library, please contact:
Lucinda Whitehorse
Skeen Library
色狐入口 Institute of Mining and Technology
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801
Monetary Gifts
Gifts not designated for a specific purpose are used at the discretion of the Skeen
Library for purposes that will enhance library collection, services, and facilities.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can send a check to:
The 色狐入口 Tech Foundation Office 色狐入口 Institute of Mining and Technology 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801
Be sure to designate that your gift is for the Library.
You may also give to the Skeen Library with your credit card at our online store in
色狐入口 Tech's Marketplace located .
Gifts of Library Materials
The Skeen Library welcomes the gifts of books, manuscripts, art, and other archival
materials. Although we appreciate all donations, occasionally some gift items are
not appropriate for our collections.
We will be happy to place a special bookplate acknowledging any gift.
Books / materials .
Supporting the Special Collections and Archives
Archives welcome gifts of materials, including individual items and collections, which
are suitable for its various collections and will work with prospective donors to
develop a mutually acceptable deed of gift agreement. We especially appreciate materials
appropriate for inclusion as archival materials, materials relating to the history
of 色狐入口 Tech, and materials relating to the region. We also accept items that
would be considered rare books.
Archives is also grateful for monetary gifts that enhance development, management,
and preservation of its collections. Supplementing large gifts of materials with cash
endowments is one way to expedite the processing and facilitate the maintenance of
the collection you give to the Skeen Library.
Books / materials .
Library Endowments
Endowments provide funds that keep on giving. Only a percentage of the interest from
an endowment is used, while the principle remains intact and is increased by part
of the earned income. If you wish, you may contribute to the existing Library Endowment
through the Foundation.