
Community Standards for On-campus Living


The purpose of this document is to provide information about the Office of Housing & Residential Life, the policies and procedures associated with living on campus at 色狐入口 Tech (NMT), and the various residential communities. This document is supplementary to all other University policies and expectations, including but not limited to those found within the Guide to Conduct and Citizenship for Students and NMT Undergraduate/Graduate Catalogs.


Alterations, Furniture, & Damage

Biking, Skating, & Recreation

Hypodermic Needles

Controlled Substances, Illegal Drugs, & Paraphernalia

Courtesy Hours & Quiet Hours


Filming, Photographing, & Recording

Fire Safety


Guest Policy

Inappropriate Material


Room Condition & Sanitation

Screens, Windows, Balconies, Landings, & Ledges

Sexual Misconduct

Solicitation & Commerce


Violence, Fighting, Threats, and Intimidation


Violation of Housing & Residential Life Community Standards


Persons of legal age (21 or older) are permitted to possess and consume alcoholic beverages inside University and residence halls (except Baca Hall 鈥 a substance-free residence) under the following conditions:

Devices designed for rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited and subject to confiscation regardless of the age of the owner. Kegs and other common source containers are not permitted. Behavior that encourages or contributes to excessive alcohol consumption/binge drinking is prohibited. Drinking games and activities (i.e., beer pong, flip cup, battle shots, etc.) that may promote the irresponsible use of alcohol are not permitted.

 Alcohol paraphernalia, such as taps and funnels, is not permitted, and alcohol containers of any kind (including for decoration) are not allowed in rooms registered to students under 21 years of age. 

In rooms where alcohol is allowed, any empty alcohol containers must be removed/recycled promptly. Collection of bottle caps or alcohol bottles/cans for display is prohibited. Alcohol promotional/decorative items (beer signs, lamp shades, etc.) are not permitted in windows, outside room doors, or public areas. Open containers are also prohibited on all University streets, sidewalks, residential hallways, lounges, and other public areas. In apartments where some assigned residents are 21 and older and others are under 21, no alcoholic beverages shall be kept in common areas or appliances.

Students and guests who refuse to recognize and obey the authority of Housing & Residential Life staff or Campus Police Officers risk criminal charges and campus judicial action. If off-campus guests violate Housing & Residential Life policies, they may be banned from visiting University residences.

When persons are found to violate this policy, the following can occur:

Alterations, Furniture, & Damage

Personalizing your living space is an important part of making your University residence your home. However, residents cannot put nails, staples, duct tape, or holes in walls. Instead, students should use poster putty or command strips.

Please be advised that you may not permanently alter University rooms or furniture unless approved by Housing & Residential Life. Students cannot paint, alter, repair, or remodel any room or public area in a residence hall or apartment without prior approval from Housing & Residential Life. 

Many residence hall beds can be bunked, but you may not be able to construct a loft for your bed.

Rearranging University furniture in your room must be in accordance with manufacture use. You may not have any heavy or oversized furniture in your room. This includes, but is not limited to, a waterbed any furniture containing liquid, wood structures, or bars. The common area furniture is for all residents in your residence hall. Borrowing or taking furniture is considered theft. Do not remove common area furnishings from designated areas. The wing, hall, or apartment will be charged for replacement if furniture is missing from common areas. 

Residents are prohibited from vandalizing, damaging, or destroying the University's or other students' property. Time and labor to address damages or unauthorized changes will be charged to the applicable resident鈥檚 student account. Damages in a student鈥檚 room or apartment that are not listed in the student鈥檚 Room Condition Report (RCR) will be billed to the student鈥檚 account upon their checkout.

Biking, Skating, & Recreation

Biking and skating of any kind is prohibited inside University residences, including within all lounges, balconies, indoor and outdoor hallways, and other common areas. Outside bike racks are available in each residential area. Bicycles should not allowed to be stored inside apartments or bedrooms. Cleaning and repair costs to tile floors, carpets, and walls caused by rubber wheels or tires will be charged to the student or students responsible. In cases where it has not been determined who is responsible for damage, community damage billing may be used. The kicking or throwing of balls or using any other recreational items intended for gymnasium or outdoor use is not allowed inside residence halls or pods.

Hypodermic Needles

Hypodermic needles deemed to be biohazardous must be disposed of safely and properly. Disposing of hypodermic needles or biohazardous material in public trash receptacles or dumpsters is strictly prohibited. Residents using sharps containers or otherwise in need of assistance disposing of medical waste are encouraged to contact NMT鈥檚 Student Heath Center at 575.835.5094 or by visiting their website to make an appointment: https://www.nmt.edu/studenthealth/ 

For more information on medical waste, please visit the following website:  

Controlled Substances, Illegal Drugs, & Paraphernalia

色狐入口 State law and University policy strictly prohibits the use, possession, and/or distribution of illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia. The misuse of prescription medicine or other drugs in or around the residence hall/apartment communities will also not be tolerated. Anyone found to violate this policy is subject to criminal and/or disciplinary action, including dismissal from University Housing. NMT does not honor medical marijuana cards, and the use of marijuana for medicinal or other purposes is strictly prohibited in the residence halls, apartments, and on campus. Residents using sharps containers or otherwise in need of assistance disposing of medical waste are encouraged to contact NMT鈥檚 Student Heath Center at 575.835.5094 or by visiting their website to make an appointment: https://www.nmt.edu/studenthealth/ 

For more information on controlled substances, illegal drugs, and paraphernalia, please refer to the Guide to Conduct that can be found in the University鈥檚 Guide to Conduct and Citizenship for Students.

Courtesy Hours & Quiet Hours

Students' right to quiet study, sleep, and privacy in University Housing must be respected. 鈥淐ourtesy Hours鈥 are in effect 24 hours a day. This means that noise in apartments or residence halls should not reach a level that disturbs other members of the community. Specific quiet hours are set to ensure an academic atmosphere. 

Quiet hours are 10:00 pm until 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday and midnight until 10:00 am Friday and Saturday. If a Friday or a Monday during the week is a holiday with no classes the night prior, it will reflect quiet weekend hours. Weekend quiet hours also apply during extended breaks and between terms. Quiet hours will be extended to 24 hours toward the end of each semester before finals exams begin. Signs will be conspicuously posted in all residential areas, notifying students when 24-quiet hours are in effect. Noise determined by the Residential Life staff to be excessive or disturbing will not be tolerated. Please respect other students' rights to a quiet environment. Baca Hall has 24-hour quiet hours.


Any known threats to the physical and/or psychological welfare of our residents will be addressed by Housing & Residential Life Professional Staff. Conduct that creates an unnecessary risk of physical harm to self or others or actions that disrupt the life of the academic and/or residential community will not be tolerated. Welfare concerns may be reported to the Dean of Students, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Title IX Coordinator, the University Counseling staff, and/or the University鈥檚 Behavioral Intervention Team. Housing & Residential Life Staff will decide what type of response is appropriate on a case-by-case basis. Students are encouraged to report any potentially harmful situations or individuals.

Filming, Photographing, & Recording

Housing & Residential Life expects students and their guests to respect the reasonable expectations of privacy of other individuals within all residential communities. Within a residence hall or student apartment, students and their guests are not permitted to photograph others or to make or attempt to make an audio or video recording of any conversations, informal gatherings, and/or meetings without the knowledge and consent of all participants subject to such recordings. Using undisclosed or hidden recording devices is strictly prohibited, as is the transmission and/or distribution of such recordings. Permission to film/record in University residences may be granted in certain circumstances and at specific locations with prior consent from Housing & Residential Life Professional Staff.

Fire Safety

Fire safety awareness, education, and compliance are essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable environment to live and learn. Regardless of the frequency of alarms, participation in evacuation procedures is mandatory. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the residence halls. Unannounced fire drills will be conducted in all residences at least five times per year. Evacuation procedures are posted in each residential area. Housing & Residential Life or Campus Police staff may open rooms during drills to verify evacuation.

All students and guests are prohibited from:

Please note:

Residents are permitted to have personal refrigerators in their bedrooms, provided the appliance is in good working condition with a capacity of 4.1 cubic feet or less and using 3 amperes or less. Residents can have personal microwaves in their bedrooms, provided the appliance is in good working condition and uses no more than 900 watts. Residents may keep coffee makers and irons (for garments or hair) in their bedrooms as long as the devices are attended when in use and unplugged when unattended. 

In addition to the few devices aforementioned in this section, any other small appliance or device that produces heat is not allowed in student bedrooms. 

Cooking is prohibited in all student rooms/common areas other than in designated kitchen areas in some halls and in pods where cooking is only permitted under the following conditions: 

The following items are considered fire hazards and are prohibited inside all University residences: 

The above list does not include all prohibited items. Housing & Residential Life and Campus Police have full discretion to determine what items may be permitted or confiscated in University residences due to fire safety concerns.

Room Capacity

The number of occupants in a double-occupancy bedroom at any time may not exceed 8. The number of occupants in any single-occupancy bedroom at any time may not exceed 4. The number of occupants at any time in any apartment may not exceed the number of residents assigned to that living unit, plus two guests each. 

Residents are encouraged to confront individuals disregarding the Fire Safety Policy and promptly bring violations to the attention of Residential Life Staff.


Any wagering involving exchanging money or goods is prohibited in University residences. 

Guest Policy

Housing & Residential Life defines 鈥榞uest鈥 as a person other than a registered resident of the University residence hall or apartment building in which that person is located. Guests must have a valid picture ID (driver鈥檚 license, school ID, etc.) in their possession while in any University residence. 

All guests on campus must conform to all University regulations at all times. Those who do not will be required to leave. In the event of a law violation or noncompliance with a request to leave, the guest shall be considered a trespasser, and Campus Police will be notified. 

Permission must be secured from each resident of a room/apartment before a guest may remain. An overnight guest is any person who is not a resident of the residential area they are visiting and who visits/remains in the building between midnight and 7 am, regardless of whether they plan to sleep during the stay. 

A resident must escort all non-residents at all times. At no time is a non-resident allowed to walk through any hallways, lounges, or other public areas of a residence hall without being in the company of the host they are visiting. 

Any overnight guest may not stay longer than two consecutive nights or five nights per month in the residence halls. The maximum number of overnight guests in any student鈥檚 room is limited to two. 

Guests less than 17 must be directly related to their host and must obtain permission from the Office of Housing & Residential Life prior to their arrival. 

At no time is it acceptable that a resident be deprived of sleep, privacy, or study accommodations due to the presence of another guest. Students banned from NMT cannot be in/around any University residences, including student apartments. Housing & Residential Life staff have full authority to limit guests in a room, reject guests, or dismiss guests if, in their judgment, the health and safety of students are being jeopardized and/or reasonable standards of behavior are being violated.

Inappropriate Material

Pornographic or X-rated materials (movies, literature, and videos) are prohibited in public areas of all residence halls and apartments. No pornographic pictures are allowed to be displayed on room doors facing the hallways or facing out your windows. Culturally insensitive or offensive material will not be tolerated. Please don鈥檛 display inappropriate or objectionable material on windows or doors. Housing & Residential Life staff has complete and ultimate authority to order the removal of any materials deemed inappropriate in a residential community or room.


The only permitted pets are fish that can live in up to 10 gallons of fresh water and do not require heating/cooling elements to survive. The care of such fish over fall, winter, and spring break is the sole responsibility of the owner/student. 

*Note: Leaving your fish in your room over breaks is not recommended.  

Violation of this policy may result in dismissal from the residence halls or apartments.

Service and assistance animals will be permitted for residents with approved medical documentation and/or as required by law. Service/assistance animals found to be aggressive, create a nuisance or sanitation concern, or threaten the safety of others will not be allowed to remain on campus. Guests are not permitted to bring pets into University residences. Failure to remove any pet in a timely manner (as determined by Housing & Residential Life staff) may result in the enlisting of Campus Police or animal control services.

Room Condition & Sanitation

Students are responsible for maintaining sanitary and orderly conditions in their assigned University rooms and apartments to prevent pests and fire hazards. Limited quantities of food may be kept in student rooms (in closed containers or refrigerators). The student may be relocated or removed if a student room presents a health or sanitation problem (as determined by Housing & Residential Life or other University staff). Students may be billed anytime if Housing & Residential Life or other University personnel deem it necessary to order professional cleaning or repairs in any student bedroom or apartment.

Screens, Windows, Balconies, Landings, & Ledges

Screens must remain on windows at all times. All permanently sealed windows must remain closed to regulate energy efficiency and ensure safety. Throwing any object out of a window or off any balcony or landing is strictly prohibited. Clothing, banners, flags, or lights may not be hung or posted outside buildings without written and advance authorization from Housing & Residential Life. Personal items cannot be kept on outside windowsills, balconies, landings, ledges, or porches. For safety and maintenance reasons, no student is allowed on any ledge for any purpose.

Sexual Misconduct

NMT is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, living, and working environment, promoting responsibility, dignity, and respect for all persons. Sexual harassment, sexual violence, and all forms of gender and sex-based discrimination are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Housing & Residential Life supports the rights of all students to live in an environment free from sexual coercion and violence. Sexual contact with another person by force or otherwise without consent violates the standards of civility and respect expected from residents and all members of our campus community.

Working with the campus community and others, Housing & Residential Life endeavors to provide resources for prevention, education, and support for our students. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or harassment, we encourage you to speak with an RA and/or a Housing & Residential Life Professional Staff Member.

Please note our staff are mandated to report violations of Title IX (Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which protects people from discrimination based on sex) to the University鈥檚 Title IX Coordinator. All information regarding a victim鈥檚 identity will be handled with extreme sensitivity and protection. You may also speak confidentially with a counselor at the Counseling Office on the 1st floor of Fidel.

For more information regarding the University鈥檚 sexual misconduct reporting procedures and current resources, please visit .

Solicitation & Commerce

Students and their guests are prohibited from conducting business for profit within any University residence hall. Nor can Housing & Residential Life resources be used for personal financial gain (e.g., cryptocurrency mining). Door-to-door solicitation of funds, products, or services is prohibited in University residences. If a student wants to invite an individual to demonstrate or sell various items in residential areas, permission must be obtained from the Office of Housing & Residential Life. Fundraisers sponsored by campus organizations are permitted in residences only when authorized by the Office of Housing & Residential Life in advance. Any unauthorized or nuisance solicitation should promptly be reported to Housing & Residential Life staff.


Residents are not permitted to smoke in any residential facility. Smoking is only permitted outside in designated smoking areas on campus. Smoking of tobacco or other products, as well as use of electronic cigarettes/vapor pens, is prohibited within 50 feet of all University buildings. Smoking is not permitted in all bedrooms, apartments, lounges, stairwells, fully/partially enclosed walkways/corridors, and elevators.

Cannabis in all capacities and subsequent paraphernalia is prohibited from being in the residence halls and on campus.

Violence, Fighting, Threats, and Intimidation

No person shall take any action, create, or participate in the creation of any situation which involves acts of manipulation, verbal threats, mistreatments, causing emotional trauma, placing a reasonable person in fear, holding someone against their will, bodily injury, or the use of physical means to initiate or resolve conflict. Any action of this nature will not be tolerated. Any person willingly engaging in such activity may be dismissed from University Housing immediately. If it is determined that both parties were willing participants, both may be dismissed. Students should immediately report acts of threat or intimidation to Campus Police and/or Housing & Residential Life.


Explosives, firearms, fireworks, flares, ammunition, bows/arrows, tools of the martial arts, gunpowder, airsoft guns, paintball guns, paintball ammunition, large knives (6鈥 or longer), swords, and any other objects deemed dangerous are prohibited in University Housing. Housing & Residential Life and Campus Police have complete discretion to determine what items may be permitted or confiscated in University residences. If weapons or explosives of any kind are found in a room, they will be seized by law enforcement. Students possessing any of the items mentioned above will be subject to immediate removal from University Housing. Nerf guns are permitted on campus, but they may not be discharged within 50 feet of a residential building.

Campus Police provides storage for various weapons, such as hunting knives, bows and arrows, and guns. For more information on Campus Police鈥檚 weapon storage procedures, please call 575-835-5434.

Violation of Housing & Residential Life Community Standards

Students found violating the Housing & Residential Life Community Standards will be documented and may be required to meet with Housing & Residential Life staff or another NMT professional to discuss their conduct. Unless it is a grave policy violation, the first step will be an informal meeting with the Residential Life Coordinator, who oversees the building in which a student resides. Current and past infractions will be considered when determining appropriate follow-up. 

In all disciplinary cases, the primary objective is to educate the resident(s) on the importance of the policies set forth by Housing & Residential, to discuss how the resident(s) behaviors have disrupted the community in which they were in, and to provide the resident(s) an educational intervention (called sanction) in which the resident(s) intentionally reflect on the impacts of their behaviors, then showcase what they have learned to Housing & Residential Life staff or another NMT professional. However, there will be times when an educational sanction does not fit the scope of the behavior; thus, more direct action may be taken.

Please see below for a list of possible sanctions:

Verbal Warning

This statement indicates that the actions of a resident or resident鈥檚 guest(s) were unacceptable, and subsequent infractions will result in more severe action.

Letter of Warning

This letter is a formal written statement that the actions of a resident or resident鈥檚 guest(s) were unacceptable, and subsequent infractions will result in further disciplinary action.

Educational Session/Assignment

Attending an educational session may be imposed in lieu of, or in addition to, other sanctions given (e.g., alcohol/ drug education class). Assignment of an educational task appropriate to the violation (e.g., a letter of apology for offensive behavior) may also be issued. Failure to complete the educational session or assignment will result in the initiation of further disciplinary action.

Community Service Project

Students may be required to initiate and complete a supervised project on campus or in the community. Housing & Residential Life staff and/or the Dean of Students may assign terms and hours for the project.

No 色狐入口/No Trespass Order

Students may be issued a 鈥楴o 色狐入口 Order鈥 (NCO) and/or a No Trespass Order' (NTO). An NCO is similar to a restraining order in which the students listed on the order are not allowed to contact each other under specified circumstances. An NTO is when a student鈥檚 privilege of entering a specific residential building has been revoked. Failure to comply with an NCO and/or an NTO will result in the initiation of further disciplinary action.

Penalty Fee/Fines

Payment of a penalty fee for services or violations will be billed directly to the student's account.


This is a direct payment for theft or damage to property. The restitution should not exceed the cost of replacing or restoring the property and/or labor costs of replacement.


Housing & Residential Life serves the right to exclude those persons whose behavior is detrimental to the well-being of the apartment/residence hall community or incompatible with its function as part of an educational institution. Students who are excluded from University Housing may not enter or be near the residence halls/apartments. If they are caught violating this exclusion, Campus Police will be contacted, and further disciplinary action may follow, such as fines or trespassing charges being filed.

Students who do not reside in University Housing are also subject to exclusion if their behavior disrupts the educational mission of the community.


Residents dismissed for policy violations forfeit their deposit and may be subject to additional penalties for damages and cleaning. Dismissed residents are not refunded for housing costs, regardless of when the dismissal occurs. If a student has been dismissed from University Housing, they may continue to participate in the meal plan program unless circumstances warrant dismissal from the meal plan.


Expulsion terminates a resident鈥檚 academic program and their right to future enrollment. A student who has been expelled may not attend University functions or visit the campus. Refunds for tuition and/or room and board will not be issued.

Appeal, Grievance, & Complaint Resolution

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their conduct meeting(s), they may request a formal meeting with the Director of Housing & Residential Life to appeal the outcome.

For non-student conduct issues (damage fees, cancelation fees, etc.), the complaint resolution procedure is available to any resident seeking to appeal.

The resident must initiate the appeal, grievance, or complaint by discussing the problem or disagreement with the Office of Housing & Residential Life within seven (7) working days of the event upon which the appeal and/or grievance is based.

Conduct violations in the residence halls may lead to further action necessitated by the Dean of Students under the Guide to Conduct and Citizenship for Students.