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NMT Career Services

Student Information

Factors to think about when considering career paths:

Who Are You?

Before you begin your job search, consider what you want in a job and what you have to offer an employer. Once you have an answer to these considerations, you will be able to evaluate prospective jobs and employers, and be able to sell yourself to the employer.

What kind of person are you?

What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is your educational background? What work experience do you have? What are your special skills and personality traits?

What do you want to do? 

What kind of job do you want? Give it a specific title. Do you want steady income from a dependable 9-to-5 job or the excitement of an entrepreneurial position? How much time do you need for social and recreational interests?

Where do you want to work?

Consider the geographic location, whether you prefer an urban or a rural setting, the type and size of employer, the kind of industry or business, the job environment, the possibility of relocation.

What are you working toward?

Do you most want financial security? Are you focused on making a contribution in your field? Would you like the opportunity for professional advancement? Are you interested in a challenging job? Do you want to serve others? Where do you want to be, and what do you want to be doing, five or ten years from now? If you have trouble answering some of these questions, talk them over with someone who knows you well. Often, putting feelings and ideas into words helps clarify them. These answers will likely change as you experience new things, but the current answers might lead you on the best path.

Once you have reflected on your past as well as your future goals, it's time to begin your job search! 

Please contact sophie.bauer@nmt.edu for more information on building a great resume, writing a powerful cover letter, networking with career contacts, interviewing successfully, and more! 

NMT's Job Database: 

