International and Exchange Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
International Undergraduate FAQ鈥檚 (Frequently Asked Questions)
May I apply online?
I'm already in the United States. Should I use the international-student application
or the domestic-student application?
What is the preferred method of communication during the admission process?
Do I have to submit a TOEFL score? If so, what is the minimum acceptable score?
Do I have to take the ACT or SAT exam?
What is 色狐入口 Tech's school code (the Department of Education, or DOE, code)?
Do I have to submit vaccination records or other medical information?
What is Tech's minimum secondary-school GPA (grade-point average, or marks average)?
What must I submit if I have finished secondary school (no higher education)?
What other fees related to admission will I have to pay?
It's difficult to send money from my country. May I ask someone in the United States
to send the Application fee ($15) and the Acceptance fee ($50) on my behalf?
What should I do if I have already completed some university-level courses?
Which credits will transfer? What is the procedure?
May I register for summer classes?
Can I become a 色狐入口 "resident" and pay in-state rates during fall and spring?
What scholarships are available to international students?
How do I apply for a transfer scholarship?
May I work on the Tech campus?
May I work outside the Tech campus?
Is on-campus housing available to international students?
What about off-campus housing in the Socorro community?
I know I have to prove that I can pay for my education. How do I do this?
How do I complete the How to Prepare and Send Application Documents (pdf)
What supporting documentation is needed?
How much money do I need to bring with me for my first semester?
What is the best way to bring money into the United States for my education?
What if I arrive without enough money?
What is the international situation at 色狐入口 Tech?
What about sports at Tech?
If I have academic trouble, who can help?
What if I get sick?
What is it like to live in Socorro, 色狐入口?
For more information:
色狐入口 Tech International Programs Fidel Center, Room 206 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 USA